Learn to code (php, html, css, javascript, etc.) or use Wordpress. All included -- NO ADS -- secure.
Everything you need to hit the ground running has been thought of and curated for you. This includes 5 years of fast secure hosting, unlimited cloud storage, unmetered bandwidth, access to our private community and training materials, and so much more.
Use the included PHP Framework to build and publish content.
Use the included Wordpress install to publish your content.
Choose the plan that fits your budget and branding needs.
* Name and extension is subject to availability and excludes premium URL's.
**250MB limit on email accounts -- ie. info@johndoe.com
Requirements: Internet access, a browser, a text editor like Notepad (to edit code files), and an .FTP client installed to upload files to the server. Recipient must also agree to our Terms of Service and Community Standards. We reserve the right to remove illegal material, or limit access to those who violate our terms or standards.
At the end of the subsciption the owner of the content will have thrity days to renew the service and/or transfer the content to a new host before it is subject to archival on our systems.
Secure online ordering.
It's here! It's here! LIYWeb.com, the Learn IT Yourself Web. Think of it like a homeowners association for a condo only instead of owning real estate, you own an address on the Internet, and space on our web servers.
With that space comes endless possibilities - your own virtual cloud storage - space to learn to code in html, css, php, javascript -- or use Wordpress (if you are less inclined to code). We provide the tools for both plus a 5 year hosting plan. We will never run any banners or ads on your pages. You can create professional web and blog pages, mobile aps, a gallery, publish a book, or even run a business. You can use it to collaborate on projects, show off your portfolio, or begin a family legacy. All with the support and resources of a private association of other owners.
To honor the Class of 2021 we are donating basic accounts to seniors. It's been a tough year and you guys deserve a break. In addition we will pay-it-forward -- $1 of every Basic plan, and $2 of every Custom plan sold this year will be set aside to donate free Basic plans next year to the Class of 2022. Contact us to nominate a worthy senior.
It's easier than you think to start. Follow this link to learn more.
Travel Code Website Blog Cloud Storage DIY Gallery Portfolio Family Legacy Resume Collaborate Community Small Business Gift-a-Site